Interface Supplier

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ProductionNode, Tunnel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractColumnAggregatorNode, AbstractEvaluatorNode, AbstractUniquenessEnforcerNode, ColumnAggregatorNode, ConstantNode, CountNode, DefaultProductionNode, DiscriminatorBucketNode, DiscriminatorDispatcherNode, DualInputNode, EqualityFilterNode, ExistenceNode, ExternalInputEnumeratorNode, ExternalInputStatelessFilterNode, FaithfulParallelTimelyColumnAggregatorNode, FaithfulSequentialTimelyColumnAggregatorNode, FaithfulTimelyColumnAggregatorNode, FilterNode, FirstOnlyParallelTimelyColumnAggregatorNode, FirstOnlySequentialTimelyColumnAggregatorNode, FirstOnlyTimelyColumnAggregatorNode, IndexerBasedAggregatorNode, InequalityFilterNode, JoinNode, LeftJoinNode, MemorylessEvaluatorNode, OutputCachingEvaluatorNode, RelationEvaluatorNode, RemoteReceiver, RemoteSupplier, RepresentativeElectionNode, RetePatternMatcher, SingleInputNode, StandardNode, TimelyProductionNode, TimelyUniquenessEnforcerNode, TransformerNode, TransitiveClosureNode, TransparentNode, TrimmerNode, UniquenessEnforcerNode, ValueBinderFilterNode

public interface Supplier extends Node
  • Method Details

    • pullInto

      void pullInto(Collection<Tuple> collector, boolean flush)
      Pulls the contents of this object in this particular moment into a target collection.
      flush - if true, flushing of messages is allowed during the pull, otherwise flushing is not allowed
    • pullIntoWithTimeline

      void pullIntoWithTimeline(Map<Tuple,Timeline<Timestamp>> collector, boolean flush)
    • getPulledContents

      Set<Tuple> getPulledContents(boolean flush)
      Returns the contents of this object in this particular moment. For memoryless nodes, this may involve a costly recomputation of contents. The result is returned as a Set, even when it has multiplicities (at the output of TrimmerNode).

      Intended mainly for debug purposes; therefore flushing is performed only if explicitly requested During runtime, flushing may be preferred; see

      invalid reference
    • getPulledContents

      default Set<Tuple> getPulledContents()
    • appendChild

      void appendChild(Receiver receiver)
      appends a receiver that will continously receive insert and revoke updates from this supplier
    • removeChild

      void removeChild(Receiver receiver)
      removes a receiver
    • constructIndex

      ProjectionIndexer constructIndex(TupleMask mask, TraceInfo... traces)
      Instantiates (or reuses, depending on implementation) an index according to the given mask. Intended for internal use; clients should invoke through Library instead to enable reusing.
    • getReceivers

      Collection<Receiver> getReceivers()
      lists receivers