Interface TraceInfo

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActiveNodeConflictTrace, CompiledQuery, CompiledSubPlan, ParameterProjectionTrace, PlanningTrace, RecipeTraceInfo, UserRequestTrace

public interface TraceInfo
Traces the node back to a purpose for which the node was built, to explain why the node is there and what it means.
  • Method Details

    • propagateToIndexerParent

      boolean propagateToIndexerParent()
    • propagateFromIndexerToSupplierParent

      boolean propagateFromIndexerToSupplierParent()
    • propagateFromStandardNodeToSupplierParent

      boolean propagateFromStandardNodeToSupplierParent()
    • propagateToProductionNodeParentAlso

      boolean propagateToProductionNodeParentAlso()
    • assignNode

      void assignNode(Node node)
    • getNode

      Node getNode()