Class RemoteSupplier

All Implemented Interfaces:
NetworkStructureChangeSensitiveNode, Node, Receiver, Supplier, Tunnel

public class RemoteSupplier extends SingleInputNode
This node receives updates from a remote supplier; no local updates are expected.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • pullInto

      public void pullInto(Collection<Tuple> collector, boolean flush)
      Description copied from interface: Supplier
      Pulls the contents of this object in this particular moment into a target collection.
      flush - if true, flushing of messages is allowed during the pull, otherwise flushing is not allowed
    • pullIntoWithTimeline

      public void pullIntoWithTimeline(Map<Tuple,Timeline<Timestamp>> collector, boolean flush)
    • update

      public void update(Direction direction, Tuple updateElement, Timestamp timestamp)
      Description copied from interface: Receiver
      Updates the receiver with a newly found or lost partial matching.