Class DiscriminatorBucketNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
NetworkStructureChangeSensitiveNode, Node, Receiver, Supplier, Tunnel

public class DiscriminatorBucketNode extends SingleInputNode
A bucket holds a filtered set of tuples of its parent DiscriminatorDispatcherNode. Exactly those that have the given bucket key at their discrimination column.

During operation, tuple contents and bucket keys have already been wrapped using IQueryRuntimeContext.wrapElement(Object)

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • pullInto

      public void pullInto(Collection<Tuple> collector, boolean flush)
      Description copied from interface: Supplier
      Pulls the contents of this object in this particular moment into a target collection.
      flush - if true, flushing of messages is allowed during the pull, otherwise flushing is not allowed
    • pullIntoWithTimeline

      public void pullIntoWithTimeline(Map<Tuple,Timeline<Timestamp>> collector, boolean flush)
    • update

      public void update(Direction direction, Tuple updateElement, Timestamp timestamp)
      Description copied from interface: Receiver
      Updates the receiver with a newly found or lost partial matching.
    • getBucketKey

      public Object getBucketKey()
    • appendParent

      public void appendParent(Supplier supplier)
      Description copied from interface: Receiver
      appends a parent that will continuously send insert and revoke updates to this supplier
      Specified by:
      appendParent in interface Receiver
      appendParent in class SingleInputNode
    • getDispatcher

      public DiscriminatorDispatcherNode getDispatcher()
    • toStringCore

      protected String toStringCore()
      Description copied from class: BaseNode
      clients should override this to append before the tag / trace indicators
      toStringCore in class BaseNode