Class ColumnAggregatorNode<Domain,Accumulator,AggregateResult>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Clearable, IAggregatorNode, IGroupable, NetworkStructureChangeSensitiveNode, Node, PosetAwareReceiver, Receiver, RederivableNode, Supplier, Tunnel

public class ColumnAggregatorNode<Domain,Accumulator,AggregateResult> extends AbstractColumnAggregatorNode<Domain,Accumulator,AggregateResult> implements RederivableNode, PosetAwareReceiver
Timeless implementation of the column aggregator node.

The node is capable of operating in the delete and re-derive mode. In this mode, it is also possible to equip the node with an IPosetComparator to identify monotone changes; thus, ensuring that a fix-point can be reached during the evaluation.
