Interface IPosetComparator

public interface IPosetComparator
Implementations of this interface aid the query engine with the ordering of poset elements. This information is particularly important in the delete and re-derive evaluation mode because they let the engine identify monotone change pairs.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    isLessOrEqual(Tuple left, Tuple right)
    Returns true if the 'left' tuple of poset elements is smaller or equal than the 'right' tuple of poset elements according to the partial order that this poset comparator employs.
  • Method Details

    • isLessOrEqual

      boolean isLessOrEqual(Tuple left, Tuple right)
      Returns true if the 'left' tuple of poset elements is smaller or equal than the 'right' tuple of poset elements according to the partial order that this poset comparator employs.
      left - the left tuple of poset elements
      right - the right tuple of poset elements
      true if left is smaller or equal to right, false otherwise