Interface RederivableNode

All Superinterfaces:
IGroupable, Node
All Known Implementing Classes:
ColumnAggregatorNode, DefaultProductionNode, UniquenessEnforcerNode

public interface RederivableNode extends Node, IGroupable
A rederivable node can potentially re-derive tuples after the Rete network has finished the delivery of messages.
  • Method Details

    • rederiveOne

      void rederiveOne()
      The method is called by the ReteContainer to re-derive tuples after the normal messages have been delivered and consumed. The re-derivation process may trigger the creation and delivery of further messages and further re-derivation rounds.
    • isInDRedMode

      boolean isInDRedMode()
      Returns true if this node actually runs in DRed mode (not necessarily).
      true if the node is operating in DRed mode