Interface IMultiLookupAbstract<Key,Value,Bucket extends MarkedMemory<Value>>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IMultiLookupAbstract.ToMultisetsAbstract<Key,Value>, IMultiLookupAbstract.ToSetsAbstract<Key,Value>

public interface IMultiLookupAbstract<Key,Value,Bucket extends MarkedMemory<Value>> extends IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
Specialized multimap implementation that saves memory by storing singleton value objects (multiplicity 1) instead of multiset buckets whenever there is only one value associated with a key.

See specialized IMultiLookupAbstract.ToSetsAbstract, IMultiLookupAbstract.ToMultisetsAbstract for various bucket types.

Implemented as a Key->Object map with invariant:

  • key maps to null if associated with no values;
  • key maps to a single Value iff it is associated with a single value of multiplicity +1;
  • key maps to Bucket otherwise
Note that due to the above invariant, handling +1 and -1 are asymmetric in case of delta maps.

Not intended as an API, but rather as a 'base class' for implementors. Realized as an interface with default implementations, instead of an abstract class, to ensure that implementors can easily choose a base class such as UnifiedMap to augment.

Implementor should inherit from a Mapinvalid input: '<'Key, Object>-like class (primitive map possible) and bind the lowLevel* methods accordingly.

  • Method Details

    • lowLevelGet

      Object lowLevelGet(Key key)
      Implementor shall bind to the low-level get() or equivalent of the underlying Key-to-Object map
    • lowLevelGetUnsafe

      Object lowLevelGetUnsafe(Object key)
      Implementor shall bind to the low-level get() or equivalent of the underlying Key-to-Object map
    • lowLevelRemove

      Object lowLevelRemove(Key key)
      Implementor shall bind to the low-level remove() or equivalent of the underlying Key-to-Object map
    • lowLevelPutIfAbsent

      Object lowLevelPutIfAbsent(Key key, Value value)
      Implementor shall bind to the low-level putIfAbsent() or equivalent of the underlying Key-to-Object map
    • lowLevelPut

      void lowLevelPut(Key key, Object valueOrBucket)
      Implementor shall bind to the low-level put() or equivalent of the underlying Key-to-Object map
    • lowLevelValues

      Iterable<Object> lowLevelValues()
      Implementor shall bind to the low-level values() or equivalent of the underlying Key-to-Object map
    • lowLevelKeySet

      Iterable<Key> lowLevelKeySet()
      Implementor shall bind to the low-level keySet() or equivalent of the underlying Key-to-Object map
    • lowLevelSize

      int lowLevelSize()
      Implementor shall bind to the low-level size() or equivalent of the underlying Key-to-Object map
    • lookupExists

      default boolean lookupExists(Key key)
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Returns true if there are any values associated with the given key.
      Specified by:
      lookupExists in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      key - a key for which associated values are sought
    • lookup

      default IMemoryView<Value> lookup(Key key)
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Returns a (read-only) bucket of values associated with the given key. Clients must not modify the returned bucket.
      Specified by:
      lookup in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      key - a key for which associated values are sought
      null if key not found, a bucket of values otherwise
    • lookupAndRemoveAll

      default IMemoryView<Value> lookupAndRemoveAll(Key key)
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Returns a (read-only) bucket of values associated with the given key, while simultaneously removing them. Clients must not modify the returned bucket.
      Specified by:
      lookupAndRemoveAll in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      key - a key for which associated values are sought
      a bucket of values, never null
    • lookupUnsafe

      default IMemoryView<Value> lookupUnsafe(Object key)
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Returns a (read-only) bucket of values associated with the given key, which can be of any type. Clients must not modify the returned bucket.
      Specified by:
      lookupUnsafe in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      key - a key for which associated values are sought (may or may not be of Key type)
      null if key not found, a bucket of values otherwise
    • addPair

      default IMultiLookup.ChangeGranularity addPair(Key key, Value value)
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Adds key-value pair to the lookup structure, or fails if not possible.

      If the addition would cause duplicates but the bucket type does not allow it (CollectionsFactory.MemoryType.SETS), the operation throws an IllegalStateException.

      Specified by:
      addPair in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      the granularity of the change
    • addPairOrNop

      default IMultiLookup.ChangeGranularity addPairOrNop(Key key, Value value)
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Adds key-value pair to the lookup structure.

      If the addition would cause duplicates but the bucket type does not allow it (CollectionsFactory.MemoryType.SETS), the operation is silently ignored and IMultiLookup.ChangeGranularity.DUPLICATE is returned.

      Specified by:
      addPairOrNop in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      the granularity of the change, or IMultiLookup.ChangeGranularity.DUPLICATE if addition would result in a duplicate and therefore ignored
    • addPairInternal

      default IMultiLookup.ChangeGranularity addPairInternal(Key key, Value value, boolean throwIfImpossible)
    • addPairPositiveMultiplicity

      default IMultiLookup.ChangeGranularity addPairPositiveMultiplicity(Key key, Value value, int count)
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Updates multiplicity of key-value pair by a positive amount.

      PRE: count > 0

      Specified by:
      addPairPositiveMultiplicity in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      the granularity of the change
    • removePair

      default IMultiLookup.ChangeGranularity removePair(Key key, Value value)
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Removes key-value pair from the lookup structure, or fails if not possible.

      When attempting to remove a key-value pair with zero multiplicity from a non-delta bucket type (CollectionsFactory.MemoryType.SETS or CollectionsFactory.MemoryType.MULTISETS}), an IllegalStateException is thrown.

      Specified by:
      removePair in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      the granularity of the change
    • removePairOrNop

      default IMultiLookup.ChangeGranularity removePairOrNop(Key key, Value value)
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Removes key-value pair from the lookup structure.

      When attempting to remove a key-value pair with zero multiplicity from a non-delta bucket type (CollectionsFactory.MemoryType.SETS or CollectionsFactory.MemoryType.MULTISETS}), the operation is silently ignored and IMultiLookup.ChangeGranularity.DUPLICATE is returned.

      Specified by:
      removePairOrNop in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      the granularity of the change
    • removePairInternal

      default IMultiLookup.ChangeGranularity removePairInternal(Key key, Value value, boolean throwIfImpossible)
    • handleSingleton

      default void handleSingleton(Key key, Bucket bucket)
    • distinctValues

      default Iterable<Value> distinctValues()
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Iterates once over each distinct value.
      Specified by:
      distinctValues in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
    • distinctValuesStream

      default Stream<Value> distinctValuesStream()
      Description copied from interface: IMultiLookup
      Iterates once over each distinct value.
      Specified by:
      distinctValuesStream in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
    • distinctKeys

      default Iterable<Key> distinctKeys()
      Specified by:
      distinctKeys in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      the set of distinct keys that have values associated.
    • distinctKeysStream

      default Stream<Key> distinctKeysStream()
      Specified by:
      distinctKeysStream in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      the set of distinct keys that have values associated.
    • countKeys

      default int countKeys()
      Specified by:
      countKeys in interface IMultiLookup<Key,Value>
      the number of distinct keys that have values associated.
    • negativesAllowed

      boolean negativesAllowed()
      iff negative multiplicites are allowed
    • duplicatesAllowed

      boolean duplicatesAllowed()
      iff larger-than-1 multiplicites are allowed
    • addToBucket

      boolean addToBucket(Bucket bucket, Value value, boolean throwIfImpossible)
      Increases the multiplicity of the value in the bucket.
      true iff non-duplicate
      IllegalStateException - if disallowed duplication and throwIfImpossible is specified
    • removeFromBucket

      boolean removeFromBucket(Bucket bucket, Value value, boolean throwIfImpossible)
      Decreases the multiplicity of the value in the bucket.
      false if removing duplicate value
      IllegalStateException - if removing non-existing value (unless delta map) and throwIfImpossible is specified
    • asSingleton

      Value asSingleton(Bucket bucket)
      Checks whether the bucket is a singleton, i.e. it contains a single value with multiplicity +1
      the singleton value, or null if the bucket is not singleton
    • createSingletonBucket

      Bucket createSingletonBucket(Value value)
      a new bucket consisting of a sole value
    • yieldSingleton

      default IMemoryView<Value> yieldSingleton(Value value)
      a read-only bucket consisting of a sole value, to be returned to the user
    • createDeltaBucket

      Bucket createDeltaBucket(Value positive, Value negative)
      positive - the previously existing value, or null if the delta is to contain a single negative tuple
      a new bucket consisting of a delta of two values
      IllegalStateException - if deltas not supported