Interface IMultiLookupAbstract.ToMultisetsAbstract<Key,Value>

All Superinterfaces:
IMultiLookup<Key,Value>, IMultiLookupAbstract<Key,Value,MarkedMemory.MarkedMultiset<Value>>
Enclosing interface:
IMultiLookupAbstract<Key,Value,Bucket extends MarkedMemory<Value>>

public static interface IMultiLookupAbstract.ToMultisetsAbstract<Key,Value> extends IMultiLookupAbstract<Key,Value,MarkedMemory.MarkedMultiset<Value>>
A multi-lookup whose buckets are multisets.

Not intended as an API, but rather as a 'base class' for implementors. Realized as an interface with default implementations, instead of an abstract class, to ensure that implementors can easily choose a base class such as UnifiedMap to augment.

Implementor should inherit from a Mapinvalid input: '<'Key, Object>-like class (primitive map possible) and bind the lowLevel* methods accordingly.