Interface IMemory<T>

All Superinterfaces:
Clearable, IMemoryView<T>, Iterable<T>
All Known Subinterfaces:
IDeltaBag<T>, IMultiset<T>, ISetMemory<T>, MarkedMemory<Value>, MarkedMemory.MarkedDeltaBag<Value>, MarkedMemory.MarkedMultiset<Value>, MarkedMemory.MarkedSet<Value>
All Known Implementing Classes:
EclipseCollectionsBagMemory, EclipseCollectionsDeltaBag, EclipseCollectionsLongMultiset, EclipseCollectionsLongSetMemory, EclipseCollectionsMultiset, EclipseCollectionsSetMemory

public interface IMemory<T> extends IMemoryView<T>, Clearable
A memory containing a positive or negative number of equal() copies for some values. During iterations, each distinct value is iterated only once.

Refined by:

  • IMultiset, which always contains values with a nonnegative multiplicity.
  • IDeltaBag, which may contain values with negative multiplicity.
  • ISetMemory, which is just a set (allowed multiplicities: 0 and 1).
  • Method Details

    • addOne

      boolean addOne(T value)
      Adds one value occurrence to the memory.
      true if the tuple was not present before in the memory, or (in case of IDeltaBag) is no longer present in the memory
    • addSigned

      boolean addSigned(T value, int count)
      Adds the given number of occurrences to the memory. The count value may or may not be negative.

      Precondition if IMultiset: at least the given amount of occurrences exist, if count is negative.

      Precondition if ISetMemory: count is +1 or -1, the latter is only allowed if the set contains the value.

      count - the number of occurrences
      true if the tuple was not present before in the memory, or is no longer present in the memory
      IllegalStateException - if IMultiset or ISetMemory and the number of occurrences in the memory would underflow to negative
    • removeOne

      boolean removeOne(T value)
      Removes one occurrence of the given value from the memory.

      Precondition if IMultiset or ISetMemory: the value must have a positive amount of occurrences in the memory.

      true if this was the the last occurrence of the value, or (in case of IDeltaBag) is the first negative occurrence of the value
      IllegalStateException - if IMultiset or ISetMemory and value had no occurrences in the memory
    • removeOneOrNop

      boolean removeOneOrNop(T value)
      Removes one occurrence of the given value from the memory, if possible.

      Memory is unchanged and false is returned if IMultiset or ISetMemory and value had no occurrences in the memory

      true if this was the the last occurrence of the value, or (in case of IDeltaBag) is the first negative occurrence of the value
    • clearAllOf

      void clearAllOf(T value)
      Removes all occurrences of the given value from the memory.
    • clear

      void clear()
      Empties out the memory.
      Specified by:
      clear in interface Clearable