Interface IDeltaBag<T>

All Superinterfaces:
Clearable, IMemory<T>, IMemoryView<T>, Iterable<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IDeltaBag<T> extends IMemory<T>
An IMemory that represents the difference between two states of a set or IMultiset, and therefore may contain values with a negative multiplicity.
  • Method Details

    • removeOneOrNop

      default boolean removeOneOrNop(T value)
      Description copied from interface: IMemory
      Removes one occurrence of the given value from the memory, if possible.

      Memory is unchanged and false is returned if IMultiset or ISetMemory and value had no occurrences in the memory

      Specified by:
      removeOneOrNop in interface IMemory<T>
      true if this was the the last occurrence of the value, or (in case of IDeltaBag) is the first negative occurrence of the value