Interface Resumable<Timestamp extends Comparable<Timestamp>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
MaskedResumable<Timestamp>, UnmaskedResumable<Timestamp>
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultMaskedTupleMemory, IdentityMaskedTupleMemory, MaskedTupleMemory, NullaryMaskedTupleMemory, TimelyDefaultMaskedTupleMemory, TimelyIdentityMaskedTupleMemory, TimelyMemory, TimelyNullaryMaskedTupleMemory, TimelyUnaryMaskedTupleMemory, UnaryMaskedTupleMemory

public interface Resumable<Timestamp extends Comparable<Timestamp>>
A resumable lazily folds its state towards higher timestamps. Folding shall be done in the increasing order of timestamps, and it shall be interrupted after each step. The resumable can then be instructed to resume the folding, one step at a time.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the smallest timestamp where lazy folding shall be resumed, or null if there is no more folding to do in this resumable.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getResumableTimestamp Link icon

      Timestamp getResumableTimestamp()
      Returns the smallest timestamp where lazy folding shall be resumed, or null if there is no more folding to do in this resumable.