
public class PDisjunction extends Object
A disjunction is a set of bodies representing separate conditions. A PQuery has a single, canonical PDisjunction, that can be replaced using rewriter
  • Constructor Details

    • PDisjunction

      public PDisjunction(Set<PBody> bodies)
    • PDisjunction

      public PDisjunction(PQuery query, Set<PBody> bodies)
  • Method Details

    • getBodies

      public Set<PBody> getBodies()
      Returns an immutable set of bodies that consists of this disjunction
      the bodies
    • getQuery

      public PQuery getQuery()
      Returns the corresponding query specification. May be null if not set.
    • getDirectReferredQueries

      public Set<PQuery> getDirectReferredQueries()
      Returns all queries directly referred in the constraints. They are all required to evaluate this query
      a non-null, but possibly empty list of query definitions
    • getAllReferredQueries

      public Set<PQuery> getAllReferredQueries()
      Returns all queries required to evaluate this query (transitively).
      a non-null, but possibly empty list of query definitions
    • isMutable

      public boolean isMutable()
      Decides whether a disjunction is mutable. A disjunction is mutable if all its contained bodies are mutable.