All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PBody extends Object implements PTraceable
A set of constraints representing a pattern body
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PBody

      public PBody(PQuery query)
  • Method Details

    • getConstraintsOfType

      public <ConstraintType> Set<ConstraintType> getConstraintsOfType(Class<ConstraintType> constraintClass)
    • newVirtualVariable

      public PVariable newVirtualVariable()
    • newVirtualVariable

      public PVariable newVirtualVariable(String name)
    • newConstantVariable

      public PVariable newConstantVariable(Object value)
    • getAllVariables

      public Set<PVariable> getAllVariables()
    • getUniqueVariables

      public Set<PVariable> getUniqueVariables()
    • getVariableByNameChecked

      public PVariable getVariableByNameChecked(Object name)
      Find a PVariable by name
      name -
      the found variable
      IllegalArgumentException - if no PVariable is found with the selected name
    • getOrCreateVariableByName

      public PVariable getOrCreateVariableByName(String name)
      Finds and returns a PVariable by name. If no PVariable exists with the name in the body, a new one is created. If the name of the variable starts with ".virtual", the created variable will be considered virtual.
      name -
      a PVariable with the selected name; never null
    • getConstraints

      public Set<PConstraint> getConstraints()
    • getPattern

      public PQuery getPattern()
    • getSymbolicParameterVariables

      public List<PVariable> getSymbolicParameterVariables()
      Returns the symbolic parameters of the body.

      Warning: if two PVariables are unified, the returned list changes. If you want to have a stable version, consider using getSymbolicParameters().

      a non-null, but possibly empty list
    • getSymbolicParameters

      public List<ExportedParameter> getSymbolicParameters()
      Returns the exported parameter constraints of the body.
      a non-null, but possibly empty list
    • setSymbolicParameters

      public void setSymbolicParameters(List<ExportedParameter> symbolicParameters)
      Sets the exported parameter constraints of the body, if this instance is mutable.
      symbolicParameters - the new value
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(PQuery.PQueryStatus status)
      Sets a specific status for the body. If set, the parent PQuery status will not be checked; if set to null, its corresponding PQuery status is checked for mutability.
      status - the status to set
    • isMutable

      public boolean isMutable()
    • getContainerDisjunction

      public PDisjunction getContainerDisjunction()
      Returns the disjunction the body is contained with. This disjunction may either be the canonical disjunction of the corresponding query or something equivalent.
      the container disjunction of the body. Can be null if body is not in a disjunction yet.
    • setContainerDisjunction

      public void setContainerDisjunction(PDisjunction containerDisjunction)
      containerDisjunction - the containerDisjunction to set
    • getAllUnaryTypeRestrictions

      public Map<PVariable,Set<TypeJudgement>> getAllUnaryTypeRestrictions(IQueryMetaContext context)
      All unary input keys directly prescribed by constraints, grouped by variable.

      to supertype inference or subsumption applied at this point.