All Implemented Interfaces:
PConstraint, PTraceable

public class Inequality extends VariableDeferredPConstraint
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDeferringVariables

      public Set<PVariable> getDeferringVariables()
      Specified by:
      getDeferringVariables in class VariableDeferredPConstraint
    • toStringRest

      protected String toStringRest()
      Specified by:
      toStringRest in class BasePConstraint
    • doReplaceVariable

      public void doReplaceVariable(PVariable obsolete, PVariable replacement)
      Specified by:
      doReplaceVariable in class BasePConstraint
    • getDeducedVariables

      public Set<PVariable> getDeducedVariables()
      Description copied from interface: PConstraint
      The set of variables whose potential values can be enumerated (once all non-deduced variables have known values).
    • isWeak

      public boolean isWeak()
      The inequality constraint is weak if it can be ignored when who is the same as withWhom, or if any if them is undeducible.
      the weak
    • isEliminable

      public boolean isEliminable()
      A weak inequality constraint is eliminable if who is the same as withWhom, or if any if them is undeducible.
    • eliminateWeak

      public void eliminateWeak()
      Eliminates a weak inequality constraint if it can be ignored when who is the same as withWhom, or if any if them is undeducible.
    • getWho

      public PVariable getWho()
    • getWithWhom

      public PVariable getWithWhom()