Interface IQueryCacheContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IQueryCacheContext
Provides information on already cached queries to query evaluator backends at runtime.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a caching result provider for the given query; it must be constructed if it does not exist yet.
    Checks if there already is a caching result provider for the given query.
  • Method Details

    • isResultCached

      boolean isResultCached(PQuery query)
      Checks if there already is a caching result provider for the given query.

      Returns false if called while the caching result provider of the given query is being constructed in the first place.

    • getCachingResultProvider

      IQueryResultProvider getCachingResultProvider(PQuery query)
      Returns a caching result provider for the given query; it must be constructed if it does not exist yet.

      Caution: behavior undefined if called while the caching result provider of the given query is being constructed. Beware of infinite loops.

      Postcondition: IQueryBackend.isCaching() returns true for the

      invalid reference
      of the returned provider