Interface IQueryResultProvider

public interface IQueryResultProvider
An internal interface of the query backend that provides results of a given query.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addUpdateListener(IUpdateable listener, Object listenerTag, boolean fireNow)
    Internal method that registers low-level callbacks for match appearance and disappearance.
    countMatches(Object[] parameters)
    Returns the number of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
    countMatches(TupleMask parameterSeedMask, ITuple projectedParameterSeed)
    Returns the number of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
    default Optional<Double>
    estimateAverageBucketSize(TupleMask groupMask, Accuracy requiredAccuracy)
    Gives an estimate of the average size of different groups the matches are projected into by the given mask (e.g.
    estimateCardinality(TupleMask groupMask, Accuracy requiredAccuracy)
    Gives an estimate of the number of different groups the matches are projected into by the given mask (e.g.
    getAllMatches(Object[] parameters)
    Returns the set of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
    getAllMatches(TupleMask parameterSeedMask, ITuple parameters)
    Returns the set of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
    Returns an arbitrarily chosen match of the pattern that conforms to the given fixed values of some parameters.
    getOneArbitraryMatch(TupleMask parameterSeedMask, ITuple parameters)
    Returns an arbitrarily chosen match of the pattern that conforms to the given fixed values of some parameters.
    The underlying query evaluator backend.
    hasMatch(Object[] parameters)
    Decides whether there are any matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
    hasMatch(TupleMask parameterSeedMask, ITuple projectedParameterSeed)
    Decides whether there are any matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
    Removes an existing listener previously registered with the given tag.
  • Method Details

    • hasMatch

      boolean hasMatch(Object[] parameters)
      Decides whether there are any matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
      parameters - array where each non-null element binds the corresponding pattern parameter to a fixed value.
    • hasMatch

      boolean hasMatch(TupleMask parameterSeedMask, ITuple projectedParameterSeed)
      Decides whether there are any matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
      parameterSeedMask - a mask that extracts those parameters of the query (from the entire parameter list) that should be bound to a fixed value
      parameters - the tuple of fixed values restricting the match set to be considered, in the same order as given in parameterSeedMask, so that for each considered match tuple, projectedParameterSeed.equals(parameterSeedMask.transform(match)) should hold
    • countMatches

      int countMatches(Object[] parameters)
      Returns the number of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
      parameters - array where each non-null element binds the corresponding pattern parameter to a fixed value.
      the number of pattern matches found.
    • countMatches

      int countMatches(TupleMask parameterSeedMask, ITuple projectedParameterSeed)
      Returns the number of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
      parameterSeedMask - a mask that extracts those parameters of the query (from the entire parameter list) that should be bound to a fixed value
      parameters - the tuple of fixed values restricting the match set to be considered, in the same order as given in parameterSeedMask, so that for each considered match tuple, projectedParameterSeed.equals(parameterSeedMask.transform(match)) should hold
      the number of pattern matches found.
    • estimateCardinality

      Optional<Long> estimateCardinality(TupleMask groupMask, Accuracy requiredAccuracy)
      Gives an estimate of the number of different groups the matches are projected into by the given mask (e.g. for an identity mask, this means the full match set size). The estimate must meet the required accuracy.

      If there is insufficient information to provide an answer up to the required precision, Optional.empty() may be returned. In other words, query backends may deny an answer, or do their best to give an estimate without actually determining the match set of the query. However, caching backends are expected to simply return the indexed (projection) size, initialized on-demand if necessary.

      PRE: TupleMask.isNonrepeating() must hold for the group mask.

      if available, an estimate of the cardinality of the projection of the match set, with the desired accuracy.
    • estimateAverageBucketSize

      default Optional<Double> estimateAverageBucketSize(TupleMask groupMask, Accuracy requiredAccuracy)
      Gives an estimate of the average size of different groups the matches are projected into by the given mask (e.g. for an identity mask, this means 1, while for an empty mask, the result is match set size). The estimate must meet the required accuracy.

      If there is insufficient information to provide an answer up to the required precision, Optional.empty() may be returned. In other words, query backends may deny an answer, or do their best to give an estimate without actually determining the match set of the query. However, caching backends are expected to simply return the exact value from the index, initialized on-demand if necessary.

      For an empty match set, zero is acceptable as an exact answer.

      PRE: TupleMask.isNonrepeating() must hold for the group mask.

      if available, an estimate of the average size of each projection group of the match set, with the desired accuracy.
    • getOneArbitraryMatch

      Optional<Tuple> getOneArbitraryMatch(Object[] parameters)
      Returns an arbitrarily chosen match of the pattern that conforms to the given fixed values of some parameters. Neither determinism nor randomness of selection is guaranteed.
      parameters - array where each non-null element binds the corresponding pattern parameter to a fixed value.
      a match represented in the internal Tuple representation.
    • getOneArbitraryMatch

      Optional<Tuple> getOneArbitraryMatch(TupleMask parameterSeedMask, ITuple parameters)
      Returns an arbitrarily chosen match of the pattern that conforms to the given fixed values of some parameters. Neither determinism nor randomness of selection is guaranteed.
      parameterSeedMask - a mask that extracts those parameters of the query (from the entire parameter list) that should be bound to a fixed value
      parameters - the tuple of fixed values restricting the match set to be considered, in the same order as given in parameterSeedMask, so that for each considered match tuple, projectedParameterSeed.equals(parameterSeedMask.transform(match)) should hold
      a match represented in the internal Tuple representation.
    • getAllMatches

      Stream<Tuple> getAllMatches(Object[] parameters)
      Returns the set of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
      parameters - array where each non-null element binds the corresponding pattern parameter to a fixed value.
      matches represented in the internal Tuple representation.
    • getAllMatches

      Stream<Tuple> getAllMatches(TupleMask parameterSeedMask, ITuple parameters)
      Returns the set of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
      parameterSeedMask - a mask that extracts those parameters of the query (from the entire parameter list) that should be bound to a fixed value
      parameters - the tuple of fixed values restricting the match set to be considered, in the same order as given in parameterSeedMask, so that for each considered match tuple, projectedParameterSeed.equals(parameterSeedMask.transform(match)) should hold
      matches represented in the internal Tuple representation.
    • getQueryBackend

      IQueryBackend getQueryBackend()
      The underlying query evaluator backend.
    • addUpdateListener

      void addUpdateListener(IUpdateable listener, Object listenerTag, boolean fireNow)
      Internal method that registers low-level callbacks for match appearance and disappearance.

      Caution: This is a low-level callback that is invoked when the pattern matcher is not necessarily in a consistent state yet. Importantly, no model modification permitted during the callback.

      The callback can be unregistered via invoking removeUpdateListener(Object) with the same tag.

      listener - the listener that will be notified of each new match that appears or disappears, starting from now.
      listenerTag - a tag by which to identify the listener for later removal by removeUpdateListener(Object).
      fireNow - if true, the insertion update allback will be immediately invoked on all current matches as a one-time effect.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this is a non-incremental backend (i.e. IQueryBackend.isCaching() on getQueryBackend() returns false)
    • removeUpdateListener

      void removeUpdateListener(Object listenerTag)
      Removes an existing listener previously registered with the given tag.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this is a non-incremental backend (i.e. IQueryBackend.isCaching() on getQueryBackend() returns false)