Interface ITcObserver<V>

All Known Implementing Classes:
CountingListener, TransitiveClosureNode

public interface ITcObserver<V>
Interface ITcObserver is used to observe the changes in a transitive closure relation; tuple insertion/deletion.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    tupleDeleted(V source, V target)
    Used to notify when a tuple is deleted from the transitive closure relation.
    tupleInserted(V source, V target)
    Used to notify when a tuple is inserted into the transitive closure relation.
  • Method Details

    • tupleInserted

      void tupleInserted(V source, V target)
      Used to notify when a tuple is inserted into the transitive closure relation.
      source - the source of the tuple
      target - the target of the tuple
    • tupleDeleted

      void tupleDeleted(V source, V target)
      Used to notify when a tuple is deleted from the transitive closure relation.
      source - the source of the tuple
      target - the target of the tuple