Class DFSPathFinder<V>

Type Parameters:
V - the node type of the graph
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DFSPathFinder<V> extends Object implements IGraphPathFinder<V>
A depth-first search implementation of the IGraphPathFinder. TODO use ITC to filter nodes that must be traversed, instead of checks
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getAllPaths

      public Iterable<Deque<V>> getAllPaths(V sourceNode, V targetNode)
      Description copied from interface: IGraphPathFinder
      Returns the collection of paths from the source node to the target node (if such exists). If there is no path between them, an empty collection is returned.
      Specified by:
      getAllPaths in interface IGraphPathFinder<V>
      sourceNode - the source node of the path
      targetNode - the target node of the path
      the collection of paths from the source to the target, or empty collection if target is not reachable from source.
    • getAllPathsToTargets

      public Iterable<Deque<V>> getAllPathsToTargets(V sourceNode, Set<V> targetNodes)
      Description copied from interface: IGraphPathFinder
      Returns the collection of paths from the source node to any of the target nodes (if such exists). If there is no path between them, an empty collection is returned.
      Specified by:
      getAllPathsToTargets in interface IGraphPathFinder<V>
      sourceNode - the source node of the path
      targetNodes - the set of target nodes of the paths
      the collection of paths from the source to any of the targets, or empty collection if neither target is reachable from source.
    • getPaths

      protected Iterable<Deque<V>> getPaths(List<Deque<V>> paths, Deque<V> visited, Set<V> targetNodes)
    • printPaths

      public String printPaths(List<Deque<V>> paths)
    • getPath

      public Deque<V> getPath(V sourceNode, V targetNode)
      Description copied from interface: IGraphPathFinder
      Returns an arbitrary path from the source node to the target node (if such exists). If there is no path between them, an empty collection is returned.
      Specified by:
      getPath in interface IGraphPathFinder<V>
      sourceNode - the source node of the path
      targetNode - the target node of the path
      the path from the source to the target, or empty collection if target is not reachable from source.
    • getShortestPaths

      public Iterable<Deque<V>> getShortestPaths(V sourceNode, V targetNode)
      Description copied from interface: IGraphPathFinder
      Returns the collection of shortest paths from the source node to the target node (if such exists). If there is no path between them, an empty collection is returned.
      Specified by:
      getShortestPaths in interface IGraphPathFinder<V>
      sourceNode - the source node of the path
      targetNode - the target node of the path
      the collection of shortest paths from the source to the target, or empty collection if target is not reachable from source.