Class RecursionCutoffPoint


public class RecursionCutoffPoint extends Object
In a recursive query structure, query composition references can be cut off so that the remaining structure is DAG. RecursionCutoffPoint represents one such cut off query composition. When the compilation of the recursive query finishes and the compiled form becomes available, the RecursionCutoffPoint has to be signaled to update parent traces and recipes of the recursive call.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • mend

      public void mend(CompiledQuery finalCompiledForm)
      Signals that compilation of the recursive query has terminated, culminating into the given compiled form. The query composition that has been cut off will be connected now.
    • getCompiledQuery

      public CompiledQuery getCompiledQuery()
    • getRecipe

      public ProductionRecipe getRecipe()