All Classes and Interfaces

Calculates the aggregated value of a column based on the given AggregatorConstraint
Calculates the aggregated value of a column based on the given AggregatorConstraint
This implementation calculates all valid adornments for the given query, respecting the parameter direction constraints.
Checking for a transitive closure expressed as a local search pattern matcher.
This class stores a precompiled version of call-related metadata and masks for local search operations
Immutable data that represents the role of a pattern call within an LS query plan.
This operation handles constants in search plans by checking if a variable is bound to a certain constant value.
Abstract base class for search operations that check only the already set variables.
Helper methods for compiling SubPlans
Calculates the count of matches for a called matcher
Calculates the count of matches for a called matcher
Forbids flattening of patterns that have more than one body.
This implementation forbids flattening of patterns marked to be executed with a caching / incremental backend.
Calculates the result of an expression and stores it inside a variable for future reference.
Checking for a transitive closure expressed as a local search pattern matcher.
Calculates the transitive closure of a pattern match in a backward direction (first parameter unbound, second bound)
Calculates the transitive closure of a pattern match in a forward direction (first parameter bound, second unbound).
This operation handles constants in search plans by binding a variable to a constant value.
An operation that can be used to enumerate all possible values for a single position based on a constraint
An adornment provider is used to define the adornments the pattern matcher should prepare for.
This interface denotes the evaluation context of a constraint, intended for cost estimation.
Common interface for cost function implementation
Denotes a ISearchOperation which involves iterating over an instances of an IInputKey
A local search adapter allows external code to follow the internal executions of the local search matcher.
Cost function which calculates cost based on the cardinality of items in the runtime model, provided by the base indexer
An operation compiler is responsible for creating executable search plans from the subplan structure.
Marker interface for pattern matcher call operations, such as positive and negative pattern calls or match aggregators.
Denotes an executable plan
The ISearchContext interface allows search operations to reuse platform services such as the indexer.
Represents a search operation executable by the LS engine.
This adornment provider does not trigger the preparation of any plans.
Type safe builder and extractor for Local search specific hints
This is a simple ILocalSearchAdapter which capable of counting each search operation execution then printing it in human readably form (along with the executed plans) using LocalSearchProfilerAdapter.toString()
This class contains the logic for local search plan calculation based on costs of the operations.
A MatchingFrame is a Volatile Tuple implementation used by the local search engine internally.
Expresses the state of a PConstraint application condition with respect to a given adornment.
Wraps a PConstraint together with information required for the planner.
This class represents the state of the plan during planning.
A SearchPlan stores a collection of SearchPlanOperations for a fixed order of variables.
A search plan executor is used to execute SearchPlan instances.
This class is responsible for storing the results of the planner and operation compiler for a selected body.
A plan provider implementation which caches previously calculated plans to avoid re-planning for the same adornment
Cost function which calculates cost based on the cardinality of items in the runtime model
This class can be used to calculate cost of application of a constraint with a given adornment.