Annotation Interface AggregatorType

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Inherited public @interface AggregatorType
The aggregator type annotation describes the type constraints for the selected aggregator. In version 1.4, two kinds of aggregators are supported:
  1. An aggregator that does not consider any parameter value from the call (count), just calculates the number of matches. This is represented by a single Void and a single corresponding return type.
  2. An aggregator that considers a single parameter from the call, and executes some aggregate operations over it. Such an aggregate operation can be defined over multiple types, where each possible parameter type has a corresponding return type declared.
Important! The parameterTypes and returnTypes arrays must have
  • The same number of classes defined each.
  • Items are corresponded by index.
  • Items should represent data types
  • Element Details

    • parameterTypes

      Class<?>[] parameterTypes
    • returnTypes

      Class<?>[] returnTypes