Interface IRelationEvaluator

public interface IRelationEvaluator
Implementations of this interface take an arbitrary number of input relations with their contents and compute the tuples of a single output relation.
  • Method Details

    • getShortDescription

      String getShortDescription()
      A textual description of the evaluator. Used only for debug purposes, but must not be null.
    • evaluateRelation

      Set<Tuple> evaluateRelation(List<Set<Tuple>> inputs) throws Exception
      The relation evaluator code. For performance reasons, it is expected that the returned set is a mutable collection, and the caller must be allowed to actually perform mutations!
    • getInputArities

      List<Integer> getInputArities()
      For each input relation that this evaluator requires, this method returns the expected arities of the relations in order.
    • getOutputArity

      int getOutputArity()
      Returns the arity of the output relation that this evaluator computes.