
public class TypeHelper extends Object
  • Method Details

    • inferUnaryTypesFor

      public static Map<PVariable,Set<IInputKey>> inferUnaryTypesFor(Iterable<PVariable> variables, Set<PConstraint> constraints, IQueryMetaContext context)
      Collects the type constraints for the specified collection of variables. The type constraints consist of the constraints directly enforced on the variable itself, plus all of those that the given variable is unified with through equalities.
      variables - the variables in question
      constraints - the constraints in the pattern body
      context - the query meta context
      the mapping from variable to set of type constraints
    • inferUnaryTypesFor

      public static Map<PVariable,Set<IInputKey>> inferUnaryTypesFor(Iterable<PVariable> variables, Map<PVariable,Set<TypeJudgement>> typeMap)
      Collects the type constraints for the specified collection of variables. The type constraints consist of the constraints directly enforced on the variable itself, plus all of those that the given variable is unified with through equalities. The method accepts a type map which is the result of the basic type inference from the
      invalid reference
      method. The purpose of this method is that the type map can be reused across several calls to this method.
      variables - the variables in question
      typeMap - the type map of inference results
      the mapping from variable to set of type constraints
    • inferUnaryTypes

      public static Map<PVariable,Set<TypeJudgement>> inferUnaryTypes(Set<PConstraint> constraints, IQueryMetaContext context)
      Infers unary type information for variables, based on the given constraints. Subsumptions are not taken into account.
      constraints - the set of constraints to extract type info from
    • getDirectJudgements

      public static Set<TypeJudgement> getDirectJudgements(Set<PConstraint> constraints, IQueryMetaContext context)
      Gets direct judgements reported by constraints. No closure is applied yet.
    • typeClosure

      public static Set<TypeJudgement> typeClosure(Set<TypeJudgement> typesToClose, IQueryMetaContext context)
      Calculates the closure of a set of type judgements, with respect to supertyping.
      the set of all type judgements in typesToClose and all their direct and indirect supertypes
    • typeClosure

      public static Set<TypeJudgement> typeClosure(Set<TypeJudgement> preclosedBaseSet, Set<TypeJudgement> delta, IQueryMetaContext context)
      Calculates the closure of a set of type judgements (with respect to supertyping), where the closure has been calculated before for a given base set, but not for a separate delta set.

      Precondition: the set (typesToClose MINUS delta) is already closed w.r.t. supertyping.

      the set of all type judgements in typesToClose and all their direct and indirect supertypes
    • subsumeTypes

      public static Set<TypeJudgement> subsumeTypes(Set<TypeJudgement> subsumableTypes, Set<TypeJudgement> subsumingTypes, IQueryMetaContext context)
      Calculates a remainder set of types from a larger set, that are not subsumed by a given set of subsuming types.
      subsumableTypes - a set of types from which some may be implied by the subsuming types
      subsumingTypes - a set of types that may imply some of the subsuming types
      the collection of types in subsumableTypes that are NOT identical to or supertypes of any type in subsumingTypes.