Interface InterpreterEngineLifecycleListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InterpreterEngineLifecycleListener
Listener interface for getting notification on changes in an InterpreterEngine. You can use it to remove any other listeners that you attached to matchers or the engine, or to handle matchers that are initialized after you started using the engine.
  • Method Details

    • matcherInstantiated

      void matcherInstantiated(InterpreterMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch> matcher)
      Called after a matcher is instantiated in the engine
      matcher - the new matcher
    • engineBecameTainted

      void engineBecameTainted(String message, Throwable t)
      Called after the engine has become tainted due to a fatal error
    • engineWiped

      void engineWiped()
      Called after the engine has been wiped
    • engineDisposed

      void engineDisposed()
      Called after the engine has been disposed