All Superinterfaces:
IGroupable, Node
All Known Implementing Classes:
FaithfulParallelTimelyColumnAggregatorNode, FaithfulSequentialTimelyColumnAggregatorNode, FaithfulTimelyColumnAggregatorNode, GenericProjectionIndexer, IndexerWithMemory, OnetimeIndexer, OutputCachingEvaluatorNode, TimelyProductionNode, TimelyUniquenessEnforcerNode

public interface ResumableNode extends Node, IGroupable
Nodes that implement this interface can resume folding of their states when instructed during timely evaluation.
  • Method Details

    • resumeAt

      void resumeAt(Timestamp timestamp)
      When called, the folding of the state shall be resumed at the given timestamp. The resumable is expected to do a folding step at the given timestamp only. Afterwards, folding shall be interrupted, even if there is more folding to do towards higher timestamps.
    • getResumableTimestamp

      Timestamp getResumableTimestamp()
      Returns the smallest timestamp where lazy folding shall be resumed, or null if there is no more folding to do in this resumable.